Experts emphasize the usages of only safe W.H.O-Recommended ORS for dehydration as diarrhoea threatens children’s and adults lives alike amidst summer surge and beware about

L-R: Dr. Vibhor Vinayak Borkar, Director - Paediatric Hepatology & Gastroenterology, Nanavati Max Superspecialty Hospital with Dr Lalit Verma, Senior Consultant, Paediatrics Gleneagles Hospital - Photo By GPN


Consume only W.H.O-Recommended ORS, Not Sugary Drinks, for Dehydration, say Experts.

“Dehydration to Hydration Selecting WHO -recommended ORS for Safe and Effective Hydration vs High Sugar Containing Drinks” Workshop Organised By HEAL Foundation


  • Indian children with diarrhoea miss out on life-saving ORS. 60.6% of
  • Diarrhoea ranks third in child mortality; increased ORS awareness is needed.
  • ORS: simple, powerful solution for rapid recovery in dehydrated children.
  • Stay hydrated in summer; choose WHOORS
  • Choose wisely: WHO-approved ORS over sugary drinks for effective dehydration treatment

HEAL Foundation

MUMBAI, 23 MAY, 2024 (GPN): India, with its scorching summers, faces a critical challenge of combating dehydration, particularly among children, where diarrhoea ranks as the third leading cause of mortality. Despite Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) being an essential medicine, recent NFHS-5 data shows that only 60.6% of children with diarrhoea receive ORS, highlighting the need for increased awareness and proper utilization.

L-R: Dr Vibhor Borkar, Director, Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Liver Transplant, Nanavati Max Superspecialty Hospital, Vile Parle (w), Mumbai being felicitated by HEAL Foundation Spokesperson at the Media Workshop on WHO recommended ORS Vs Other Sugary Liquid Counterparts

Dr Vibhor Borkar, Director, Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Liver Transplant, Nanavati Max Superspecialty Hospital, Vile Parle (w), Mumbai, emphasizes the critical role of Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) in treating children with diarrhoea and dehydration, stating, “Diarrhoea can cause rapid fluid loss, electrolyte imbalances, and dehydration. ORS is a simple yet powerful solution that replenishes fluids and electrolytes, preventing complications and promoting faster recovery, especially in children under five. It’s important to note that ORS is not only effective but also safe. Using incorrect salt or sugar formulations can have detrimental consequences. Proper dehydration management requires the intake of a precise balance of water and electrolytes. Using Improper homemade solutions or other high-sugar-containing drinks can disrupt this balance, leading to serious health risks such as worsening dehydration and, in extreme cases, even death.”

To ensure proper hydration during summer season, a public awareness campaign highlights the importance of WHO-approved ORS solutions.

L-R: Dr. Lalit Verma, Lead and Senior Consultant, Department of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Liver Transplant Gleneagles Hospital, Parel, Mumbai being felicitated by HEAL Foundation Spokesperson at the Media Workshop on WHO recommended ORS

Dr. Lalit Verma, Lead and Senior Consultant, Department of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Liver Transplant Gleneagles Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, stresses the importance of making informed choices when selecting ORS, especially with the rising temperatures increasing the demand for it, explaining.”It is crucial to choose the right kind of ORS to combat diarrhoea followed by dehydration. Understanding the difference between ORS and commercially available sugar-laden drinks is key. While these drinks may replenish electrolytesand water to a limited extent, they lack the essential glucose-sodium and potassium ratio necessary for rapid absorption of water and electrolytes, thus roving indispensable for treating dehydration. Therefore, opting for WHO-approved formulations over sugary-drinks not intended for dehydration treatment is vital for maintaining overall health, especially children’s health, during the summer heat.”

It is critical to make informed choices. When faced with dehydration, prioritize WHO-approved ORS solutions over other sugar-laden drinks unsuitable for treating dehydration. By understanding the benefits of ORS and its appropriate use, we can empower individuals and families to become heroes of their own health, particularly during the hot summer months. This knowledge can help save the lives of thousands of children every year.Ends/GPN

#ORS #WHOORS #NonWHO #SugarFormulations #Dehydration #RejuvenatewithORS #DrVibhorBorkar #DrLalitVerma #Diarrhoea #FightDiarrhoea #WHOrecommendedORS

About the Author

Sachin Murdeshwar
Sachin Murdeshwar is a Sr.Journalist and Columnist in several Mainline Newspapers and Portals.He is an ardent traveller and likes to explore destinations to the core.

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