There is a tendency to become taken or even obsessed with an idea, line of thought, or problem today, dear Aries, with Mercury square stationing Pluto. This certainly be used constructively to solve an ongoing problem, but could be the source of conflict otherwise. Try to find the middle ground between defense and offense in conversations today. Emphasis now should be on how to get over those things that you’ve been obsessing over and getting nowhere with. Try your best to get over attitudes or thought patterns that are too negative to do you any good. A problem that surfaced two weeks ago could now require a second look. Slow-moving Pluto retrogrades for several months every year, and it is now ending its retrograde period. Career, financial, and intimacy matters begin to move forward or “unblock” over the next weeks and months. Even so, this can be an intense time for happenings in your career and your personal life. Extremes of feeling are likely as the shift occurs. Going forward, good energy is with you for making necessary changes in relationships with a parent or boss. If there is a negative attitude or bad habit that you need to kick, this is the time to do so.

There can be some mental tension today, dear Taurus, but if you harness the energy you may be able to think up solutions to ongoing problems. Avoid obsessive thinking if it begins to feel self-destructive as much as possible, and you’ll feel more in sync with your intuition. Slow-moving Pluto retrogrades for several months every year, and it is now ending its retrograde period. Problems with a partner or close friend that have been brewing under the surface of things, or put on a shelf, are beginning to make themselves known. You begin to want to handle things, and no longer fall back on quick fixes for problems. While the shift occurs today and tomorrow, people may be more emotionally reactive and possibly quick on the trigger. However, going forward, you’ll be clearer on how a relationship stands, and travel, educational, legal, and promotional matters might also straighten out. Faith in a system or conviction for a particular belief could return, and your desire to explore the world increases with Pluto’s change in direction.

There can be some intensity to the day, dear Gemini, particularly on a mental level. A problem can re-emerge today, and you could be encountering the darker side of others close to you, and possibly of yourself. Avoid defensiveness in conversations now. Your judgment may be a little off or extreme regarding financial and love matters. Protect cherished relationships from needless harsh words and misunderstandings. Positively, this can be a time to really get to the heart of a matter or to fix areas that leave you feeling vulnerable. Slow-moving Pluto retrogrades for several months every year, and is now turning direct. Unrest that you’ve been feeling in past months is coming to a point of resolution. This week, you begin to feel more confident about the changes that have been made, particularly in your work, daily habits, health, intimate relationships, and finances. This is a strong time for identifying unnecessary elements in your routine or in your own attitudes, making it easier to streamline. You may be actively researching something today, and you can really apply yourself with focus and dedication, but do watch for taking something to an extreme.

This can be a day when mental energy is intense, dear Cancer, with retrograde Mercury in difficult aspect with stationing Pluto. A problem can re-emerge and can involve tricky power dynamics with others, particularly a partner or family member. There can be concerns or worries that weigh heavily on your mind. Centering yourself is important today, because if you do, you can take advantage of special insights and intuition into new or improved work methods. Now and in the coming weeks, more clarity comes to your love relationships and partnerships with Pluto turning direct after months of retrograde motion. You begin to pursue your hobbies, pleasurable pastimes, partnerships, and romance with more energy and enthusiasm. Today, there can be some tendency to think in extremes. Try not to make decisions based only on perceptions of the day.

The atmosphere around communications can be charged today, dear Leo. You could be feeling the pressure of deadlines or schedules, or there may be problems seeing eye to eye with people you deal with today. A problem that you thought was resolved could re-emerge now. Information can come to you that could have you questioning who and what to believe, feeling pressured, or activating some of your fears. This week brings truly exciting insights into how you can better manage your domestic life and work with Pluto moving direct again as it does every year after its retrograde period. Motivation to pursue a new or previously shelved health program can return. You are feeling on the ball and ready to rise to any challenge. You quickly realize that there are plenty of details that need attention. Nevertheless, today and tomorrow with the shift occurring, thinking can be in extremes.

There could be some mental tension today, dear Virgo, if a problem re-emerges and concerns you. This may be related to a financial or creative matter. Avoid obsessive thinking, but do focus on areas of weakness and find ways to strengthen your life. Power is about managing yourself and your own energy and resources as effectively as you can. With money and relationships, watch for extremes. For many months every year, slow-moving Pluto is retrograde, but is now turning direct after its yearly retrograde period. Enthusiasm is likely to return for intellectual interests, hobbies, learning, and creative projects this week and in coming weeks. New insights into relationships may have been gained during the retrograde phase, but now it’s about applying them. Going forward, you’re ready to make important changes, particularly in attitude. Today during the shift, emotions can be exaggerated or seem overwhelming, but this is simply your way of adjusting to the changes. Save important decision making for another day.

For many months every year, slow-moving Pluto is retrograde, dear Libra. Today and tomorrow, Pluto turns direct, and a sense of moving forward emerges this week. Even so, as the shift occurs now, there might be a little chaos before things truly begin to take off for you in the areas of finances and domestic matters. Relationships with family and family roles are changing, and your determination to resolve challenges is building. It’s not the time to stubbornly hold on to things “as they were”. Rather, it’s time to acknowledge the need to make changes. You are recognizing that letting go of something that you’ve been using as a crutch on some level is really the best thing that could happen to you. Watch today for dwelling or fixating on a topic if it starts to cause you distress.

Pluto is turning direct after its yearly retrograde cycle, dear Scorpio. This is good news for you, as your life becomes clearer, even if today can be a little chaotic. Take care not to jump into action without thinking of the consequences. Take the leap on the inside first and see how it feels before taking action. More clarity is likely to come to your communications, and issues that have been buried or swept under the carpet might emerge now for better handling. Today’s Mercury-Pluto square can bring a topic that you thought had been resolved back to the surface for another look. Watch for controversy and avoid expressing suspicion. Take your time coming to final conclusions, as thoughts and perceptions can be a little extreme right now.

Fears about not having enough money or resources may have been subtly driving your behavior in recent months while Pluto was retrograde in your solar second house, dear Sagittarius. Now as it begins to move forward, slowly but surely, you will be taking charge of your life, even if at times you worry too much. It’s a good time for proving what you are worth in the work you do. You are now recognizing that you have been freeing yourself from past conditioning, automatic behaviors that have not served you well, and relationships that were unhealthy. You are looking forward now and feeling positive about your “new” life. Watch for moodiness today as the shift occurs, particularly with friends or a partner. Recognize that thinking can be in extreme terms just for now. Try to stay out of mind games with others today – it’s simply not your style! People can be pushy with their ideas, expecting you to share the same values, or wanting you to think a certain way.

You can get the distinct feeling that things are changing for the better in the coming days, dear Capricorn, with Pluto moving out of its retrograde. Pluto moving through your sign can be intense at times, and now that Pluto turns direct, a yearly occurrence, you are re less likely to brood over problems and more likely to take charge and make important changes. There can be opportunities to make long-lasting friendships or to make changes to your friendships and group associations that benefit you for some time to come. Income from business might advance and new opportunities can emerge in your career. Today, extremes of thinking are likely, and worries about reputation or career matters could be overblown. Look for ways to improve weak areas that leave you feeling vulnerable. Use today’s tendency to dwell on problem areas and mental intensity in a constructive manner.

Energy is rather intense today, dear Aquarius, with retrograde Mercury in challenging aspect to Pluto. The tendency to dwell on recent hurts or slights is strong. However, with Pluto beginning to move in direct motion, a yearly occurrence, in the coming weeks you’re less likely to brood and more willing (and equipped) to make changes towards improvement. Projects that you have been working on behind the scenes or that you’ve left unfinished might be revived. Repairing relationships with a parent or boss can figure strongly now. You may need to employ some caution with regards to elements from your past, but overall, there is a sense of moving forward and doing so in a positive, growth-oriented way. During the shift today, there could be some frustration or suspicion, and thoughts or communications can be extreme or exaggerated. Avoid allowing fears or insecurities undermine your life now.

With the Moon in your privacy and soul sector, dear Pisces, some reflection is in order. You may crave some extra time alone. As well, slow-moving Pluto is now turning direct after many months of retrograde motion. This yearly occurrence points to some moving forward and a stronger sense of being in charge of your life, particularly related to educational pursuits and friendships or group endeavors. It’s necessary now to tune into your inner rhythms so that you act rather than react during this shift. Today and this week, you’re better able to rely on your intellect and belief systems. Things that you have been uncertain about suddenly become clearer. Friendships may be intense but instead of brooding over problem areas, you’re motivated to make important changes that bring you closer to resolution of long-standing problems. Small changes made now can impact the future in big ways. Watch for extremes in thought and speech today – safeguard relationships from harsh words, even if it’s challenging to make a partner or friend happy now. If you find yourself unable to move past an issue, take a break.

*ॐ श्रीगणेशाय नम:*
*शुभप्रभातम् जी*

*इतिहास की मुख्य घटनाओं सहित पञ्चांग-मुख्यांश ..*

*आज दिनांक *

* 24 सितम्बर 2020*
*नई दिल्ली अनुसार*

*शक सम्वत-* 1942
*विक्रम सम्वत-* 2077
*मास-* प्रथम आश्विन(अधिक)
*पक्ष-* शुक्लपक्ष
*तिथि-* अष्टमी-19:03 तक
*पश्चात्-* नवमी
*नक्षत्र-* मूल-18:10 तक
*पश्चात्-* पूर्वाषाढ़ा
*करण-* विष्टि-07:26 तक
*पश्चात्-* बव.
*✨योग-* सौभाग्य-21:53 तक
*✨पश्चात्-* शोभन
*सूर्योदय-* 06:10
*सूर्यास्त-* 18:14
*चन्द्रोदय-* 13:24
*चन्द्रराशि-* धनु-दिनरात
*सूर्यायण-* दक्षिणायन
*गोल-* दक्षिणगोल
*अभिजित-* 11:48 से 12:36
*राहुकाल-* 13:43 से 15:13
*ऋतु-* शरद
*⏳दिशाशूल-* दक्षिण


*_आज बृहस्पतिवार को प्रथम आश्विन (अधिक ) सुदी अष्टमी 19:03 तक पश्चात् नवमी शुरु , श्री दुर्गाष्टमी , विघ्नकारक भद्रा 07:30 तक , मूल संज्ञक नक्षत्र 18:10 तक , सर्वदोषनाशक रवि योग 18:10 से , भगवान शीतलनाथ निर्वाण दिवस ( जैन , आश्विन शुक्ल अष्टमी ) , मैडम भीकाजी कामा जन्म दिवस , विश्व सफाई दिवस व World Gorilla Day._*
*_कल शुक्रवार को प्रथम आश्विन (अधिक ) सुदी नवमी 18:45 तक पश्चात् दशमी शुरु , सर्वदोषनाशक रवि योग जारी , पं. दीनदयाल उपाध्याय जयन्ती (अंन्तोदय दिवस) , चौ. देवीलाल जयन्ती व श्री सतीश धवन जयन्ती ।_*

*आज की वाणी*

*वरं वनं वरं भैक्ष्यं*
*वरं भारोपजीवनं ।*
*पुंसां विवेकहीनानां*
*सेवया न धनाऽर्जनम्।।*
_संपत्ति अर्जित करने के उद्देश्य से वन में निवास करना, भिखारी बन जाना या बोझ उठाने वाला कुली बन जाना श्रेयस्कर है परन्तु सद्बुद्धि और निर्णय लेने की क्षमता से हीन व्यक्तियों का सेवक कभी भी नहीं बनना चाहिये |_

*24 सितम्बर की महत्वपूर्ण घटनाएं *

1493 – क्रिस्टोफर कोलंबस ने नई दुनिया की खोज के लिए दूसरा अभियान शुरू किया।
1688 – फ्रांस ने जर्मनी के खिलाफ युद्ध की घोषणा की।
1726 – ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी को बम्बई, कलकत्ता और मद्रास में नगर निगम और महापौर अदालतों को बनाने के लिए अधिकृत किया गया।
1742 – बोस्टन का फैन्यूविल हॉल जनता के लिए खोला गया।
1748 – शाहरुख ग्रेटर खोरासन के शासक बन गए।
1788 – ‘थियेटर वार’ तब शुरू हुई, जब डेनमार्क-नॉर्वे की सेना स्वीडन पर हमला किया था।
1789 – अमेरिका में अटॉर्नी जनरल का कार्यालय बनाया गया।
1805 – फ़्रांस के तानशाह नेपोलियन बोनापार्ट की सैनिक कार्रवाई समाप्त हुई। यह कार्रवाई ऑस्ट्रिया के आक्रमण का सामना करने के लिए की गयी थी।
1829 – रूस और ऑटटोमन साम्राज्य के बीच एड्रियानोपल की शांति सन्धि हुई।
1852 – फ्रांसीसी इंजीनियर ने हाइड्रोजन से भरे वायुयान से उड़ान भरी।
1853 – लंदन में पहले प्रांतीय दैनिक समाचार पत्र ‘नार्दर्न डेली टाइम्स’ का प्रकाशन हुआ।
1895 – साइकिल से दुनिया घूमने वाली एनी लॉनडॉनडेरी विश्व की पहली महिला बनीं।
1932 – डॉ. भीमराव अंबेडकर और महात्मा गांधी के बीच पुणे की यरवडा सेंट्रल जेल में अछूतों के अधिकारों के लिए पूना पैक्‍ट पर हस्‍ताक्षर हुए।
1932 – बंगाल की क्रांतिकारी राष्ट्रवादी प्रीतिलता वाडेदार देश की आजादी के लिए प्राण न्यौछावर करने वाली पहली महिला बनी।
1948 – होंडा मोटर कंपनी की स्थापना।
1960 – अमेरिका ने विश्व का पहला नाभिकीय शक्ति से चालित विमानवाहक पोत यूएसएस इंटरप्राइज (सीवीएन-65) लॉन्च किया।
1965 – यमन को लेकर सऊदी अरब और मिस्र के बीच समझौता।
1968 – दक्षिण अफ्रीकी देश स्वाजीलैंड संयुक्त राष्ट्र में शामिल हुअा।
1971 – ब्रिटेन ने जासूसी के आरोप में 90 रूसी राजनयिकों को निष्कासित किया।
1974 – अफ्रीकी देश गिनी बीसाओ ने पुर्तग़ाल से अपनी स्वाधीनता की घोषणा की।
1978 – पूर्व सोवियत संघ ने भूमिगत परमाणु परीक्षण किया।
1979 – घाना ने संविधान अपनाया।
1990 – पूर्वी जर्मनी ने खुद को वारसा संधि से अलग किया।
1996 – व्यापक परीक्षण प्रतिबंध संधि पर हस्ताक्षर होने शुरू, सं.रा. अमेरिका संधि पर हस्ताक्षर करने वाला (बिल क्लिंटन) पहला देश।
2003 – फ़्रांस के राष्ट्रपति जैक्स शिराक ने संयुक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषद में भारत की दावेदारी का समर्थन किया।
2005 – आई.ए.ई.ए. ने ईरानी परमाणु कार्यक्रम के मुद्दे को सुरक्षा परिषद को सौंपने का निर्णय लिया।
2007 – म्‍यांमार की सैन्‍य सरकार के ख़िलाफ़ राजधानी यांगून में एक लाख से अधिक लोग सड़कों पर उतरे।
2008 – चीन और नेपाल ने दूरसंचार के क्षेत्र में एक अहम अनुबन्‍ध पर हस्‍ताक्षर किया।
2008 -कपिल देव, भारतीय क्रिकेटर को थलसेनाध्यक्ष जनरल दीपक कपूर ने एक समारोह में प्रादेशिक सेना में लेफ़्टिनेंट कर्नल की मानद पदवी प्रदान की।
2008 – मद्रास उच्च न्यायालय ने राजीव गांधी हत्याकांड में नलिनी और दो अन्य दोषियों की समय पूर्व रिहाई सम्बन्धी याचिका खारिज की।
2009 – देश के पहले चन्द्रयान-1 ने चाँद की सतह पर पानी खोज निकाला।
2012 – चीन में जापान से संबंधित किताबें पर रोक लगी।
2013 – पाकिस्तान के बलूचिस्तान में 7.7 तीव्रता के भूकंप से 515 लोगों की मौत।
2014 -भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन (इसरो) के उपग्रह मंगलयान ने मंगल ग्रह की कक्षा में सफलतापूर्वक प्रवेश किया।
2019 – राष्ट्रपति रामनाथ कोविंद ने राष्ट्रपति भवन में आयोजित एक समारोह में राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना पुरस्कार 2017-18 प्रदान किए।
2019 – नई दिल्ली में 24 से 28 सितम्बर के बीच भारत जल सप्ताह 2019 का आयोजन प्रारम्भ।
2019 – भारतीय वायुसेना का मिग-21 प्रशिक्षण विमान मध्‍य प्रदेश के ग्‍वालियर में दुर्घटनाग्रस्‍त हुआ।
2019 – पाकिस्‍तान के कब्‍जे वाले कश्‍मीर में भूकम्‍प से 19 लोगों की मौत और तीन सौ से अधिक लोग घायल।

*24 सितम्बर को जन्म *

1856 – प्रताप नारायण मिश्र – हिन्दी खड़ी बोली और ‘भारतेन्दु युग’ के उन्नायक।
1861 – भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में राष्ट्रवादी आन्दोलन की प्रमुख नेता मैडम भीकाजी कामा का जन्म हुआ।
1925 – औतार सिंग पैंटल, भारतीय, चिकित्साशास्त्र के वैज्ञानिक।
1940 – आरती साहा – भारत की प्रसिद्ध महिला तैराक थीं।
1950 – प्रसिद्ध भारतीय क्रिकेट खिलाड़ी मोहिन्दर अमरनाथ का जन्म हुआ।
1963 – पंकज पचौरी – वरिष्‍ठ टेलीविज़न पत्रकार।
1971 – लिम्बा राम – भारत के प्रथम प्रसिद्ध तीरंदाज हैं, जिन्होंने विश्व स्तर पर तीरंदाजी के क्षेत्र में सफलता प्राप्त की।

*24 सितम्बर को हुए निधन *

1859 – नाना साहब – सैन्य विद्रोह में सक्रिय रहे नाना साहब उर्फ धुंदु पंत का नेपाल में निधन हुआ।
2006 – पद्मिनी – दक्षिण भारतीय अभिनेत्री व मशहूर भरतनाट्यम नृत्यांगना। नृत्य की महान् रोशनी (नृत्यापेरोली) के नाम से मशहूर।

*24 सितम्बर के महत्वपूर्ण अवसर एवं उत्सव *

भगवान शीतलनाथ निर्वाण दिवस (जैन , आश्विन शुक्ल अष्टमी)।
मैडम भीकाजी कामा जन्मदिन ।
विश्व सफाई दिवस ।

*कृपया ध्यान दें जी*
*यद्यपि इसे तैयार करने में पूरी सावधानी रखने की कोशिश रही है। फिर भी किसी घटना , तिथि या अन्य त्रुटि के लिए मेरी कोई जिम्मेदारी नहीं है ।*

आपका दिन *_मंगलमय_* हो जी ।

⚜⚜ ⚜⚜

About the Author

Sachin Murdeshwar
Sachin Murdeshwar is a Sr.Journalist and Columnist in several Mainline Newspapers and Portals.He is an ardent traveller and likes to explore destinations to the core.


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