Search Results for COVID-19

Cloud’s transformation of financial services: How Covid-19 created opportunities for growth across the industry – By Peter Kennedy, Partner at UK Capco

MUMBAI, 7 JULY, 2022 (GPN): White paper published on Cloud’s transformation of financial services By Peter Kennedy, Partner at UK Capco Introduction- The advent of COVID-19 forced most industries to speed up their plans to service their…

How to differentiate between a cold, flu and COVID-19 and step wise action plan for covid treatment By Dr Karthiyayini Mahadevan, Head, Wellness and Wellbeing at Columbia Pacific Communities

MUMBAI, 24 JANUARY, 2022 (GPN): Features Cold Flu COVID-19 Presenting Symptoms Most common Less common Running nose, sneezing Fever, sore throat Headache, running nose, fever Sore throat Sore throat, fever, body ache, loss of smell,…

AmritaSREE project enters its 17th year; Amma’s Ashram has spent ₹85 crore in financial aid for COVID-19 relief

MUMBAI, DECEMBER 20, 2021 (GPN):  AmritaSREE (Self-Reliance Education & Employment), the women’s empowerment program launched by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma), has completed 16 years and is entering its 17th. Currently, AmritaSREE comprises 15,000 groups with more…