The entertainment channels at Disney Star will also spotlight short films featuring the true champions of the planet, starting April 22nd, 2022

Mumbai, 19th April, 2022 (GPN): The Earth is what keeps us alive, and the quality of our existence is determined by how well we take care of it. All it takes is one person to bring a small change that can have a magnifying impact on the planet. Bringing in this beacon of hope and inspiration for its viewers, National Geographic, with its rich legacy of powerful, credible storytelling, has announced the launch of its one-of-its-kind initiative titled ‘One for Change’ on Earth DayThrough this initiative, National Geographic will showcase a series of short films, spotlighting the exceptional stories of changemakers who have taken extraordinary steps to make our world a better place. In addition to National Geographic, the entertainment channels at Disney Star will also support the initiative by featuring the films and encouraging millions of its viewers to walk the path of change.

National Geographic #One for Change initiative on Earth Day (22 April, 2022) – Photo By GPN

Premiering on the television platforms of National Geographic and the entertainment channels across Disney Star, the films will also be released on National Geographic social media handles that have a combined following of over 10 million in India. With an aim to inspire and encourage viewers to take that one step and ‘be the one for change’, the stories will focus on the journey of these passionate individuals and get the viewers acquainted with their lives, their passions and shine a light on what pushed them to follow the remarkable path of planet conservation. And as an Earth Day special, the One for Change initiative will highlight the inspired works of 10 changemakers – who have each made a path-defining choice a difference.

Dia Mirza at JW Marriott Juhu during the launch and announcement of National Geographic #One for Change initiative on Earth Day (22 April, 2022) – Photo By GPN

“Furthering the knowledge and understanding of our world is at the core of National Geographic. Through the years, we have helped our viewers better understand and care about our world, with our thought provoking and fact based narratives. With One for Change, we wanted to uplift and inspire our viewers, through the remarkable stories of incredible individuals, from across the country, who have taken that first step and more, towards loving our planet,” said Kevin Vaz, Head – Network Entertainment Channels, Disney Star.

“Given the nature and the purpose behind the initiative, we will have the might of the entire entertainment channels at Disney Star championing the films across our channels and give them the thrust they need to reach out to millions of our audiences. With this, we hope that these stories of passion, triumph and sheer love for our Mother Earth and its people will ignite a spark and inspire all planet lovers to take that one little step towards building a sustainable and hopeful future for the Earth,” he added

Dia Mirza at JW Marriott Juhu during the launch and announcement of National Geographic #One for Change initiative on Earth Day (22 April, 2022) – Photo By GPN

“We have all grown up reading and watching National Geographic and the one thing I have truly admired about the brand is the ability to inspire people through the most engaging and stimulating of stories. One for Change is indeed a special initiative – with the brand giving its platform to narrate the success stories of individuals who, through their own choices, have contributed significantly towards the betterment of the planet. For someone who believes in the need for climate preservation, it was really encouraging to be the part of such a powerful event that will, hopefully, set course for a sustainability movement with the unique potential it holds to influence a change the world,” said Dia Mirza.

The ten changemakers featured in the series are:

  • Vani Murthy- Known as the Worm Queen, Vani is spreading awareness about the importance of composting
  • Purnima Barman Devi- The leader of the Hargila Army, working towards the protection of endangered Greater Adjutant Stork
  • Tejas Sidnal – An architect who has innovated a unique tile that is made from carbon waste
  • Venkatesh Charloo – A pioneering marine conservationist, helping in coral restoration in Goa
  • Vidyut Mohan – 2020 ‘UNEP Young Champion of the Earth’, Vidyut has created a machine that converts waste farm residue into products of value for farmers
  • Varsha Raikar – RJ with Radio Bundelkhand who raises awareness against climate change
  • Rukmani Katara- CEO of a solar company, igniting a renewable energy revolution in rural India
  • Poonam & Aditya Singh- A couple that is rewilding barren land on the outskirts of Ranthambore Tiger Reserve as a buffer between man and animal
  • Thulasi Gouda- Padma Shri winner Thulasi has been preserving forests in her village for 50 years and is called the Living Encyclopedia of the forests
  • Sonam Wangchuk- An eco-architect who has pioneered the creation of carbon neutral structures in Ladakh using elements from nature.Ends


About the Author

Sachin Murdeshwar
Sachin Murdeshwar is a Sr.Journalist and Columnist in several Mainline Newspapers and Portals.He is an ardent traveller and likes to explore destinations to the core.

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