The day’s energies are complex, dear Aries. There is intensity in our interactions, but whether this is experienced as pleasant or unpleasant (or both) is really up to how we handle ourselves today. Unnecessary tension may be generated if we can’t move past a particular problem or issue, unless, of course, we remain detached enough to enjoy the researching process. Try your best to get over attitudes or thought patterns that are too negative to do you any good. It’s important today to see the areas of your life that are draining you of energy so that you can focus on simplifying. There has to be a better balance in terms of where you put your energies – into yourself and your personal pursuits and into others. Aim for more understanding but don’t push this process.

Your intuition can work well for you today, dear Taurus, but it’s important to avoid going too far with analyses to the point of obsessive thinking, which can lead you astray and in fact far away from your natural instincts. Emotionally-driven decisions made now may be regrettable later. If you’ve been putting too much into your relationships to the point that you’re losing yourself in others, then you need to come to a point of balance. Demonstrate your faith and confidence in others rather than looking for problems. Don’t get caught up in others’ mind games, however, which are no-win. You may be looking for more to life than the usual, and this can lead to important experiences, but could also cause some ripples if you’re not sure where to channel excess energy.

There is provocative energy to the day, dear Gemini, and this can give rise to complicated situations. There could be the re-emergence of a past problem that hangs heavy in your aura. You could be seeking out intense experiences, and this can work out fine if you are self-aware and know what you’re after, but could be a little chaotic if you’re not sure where to begin or what you want. Protect your most cherished relationships from misunderstandings, suspicion, or regrettable, harsh words. Activities involving career and reputation matters may be emotionally charged. Romantic relationships may require more attention, time, or energy, but could also reach a new level. Judgment about money or love may be exaggerated or otherwise skewed, just for now, but this doesn’t mean you don’t have something to learn about your desires. In fact, you’re likely to end the day with important new insights. Circumstances align in such a way that they show you the things that are most important and essential.

People can be a little more sensitive in their interactions today, dear Cancer, and perhaps a little provocative in an attempt to seek answers or question commitment. With respect for one another, of course, there can be wonderful new insights gained now, but it can be difficult if either party is stubbornly seeing only their point of view. While you don’t need to put your ideas on hold, you may need to refine them before pushing forward. Domestic chores or problems in the family dynamic can weigh heavily on your mind now. Try not to think in extremes, as worries can be exaggerated with this frame of mind. Take extra care in conversations, and this can be a wonderful time to discover new things about someone you love. Focus on listening rather than telling or asking. Good energy is with you for breaking new ground in a project or learning endeavor.

There is a somewhat charged energy to the day, dear Leo, and while this can go either way and possibly both ways, you are likely to be able to turn it around to your advantage. Most importantly, try to avoid pushing an idea or pushing for an answer from someone. As well, avoid succumbing to pressures to get too much done in too little time. Others, and possibly you as well, can be demanding far too much from you now. News or information coming in may be touching a nerve or triggering fears, but there is a tendency to worry more than is necessary, as exaggeration is a strong possibility now. Focus on what needs refining or rehauling, and you’ll do especially well now. Channel intensity into a productive project. This is a time for building and encouraging a sense of purpose by setting goals and drawing up plans to meet them. If you need to pare down, this is a good time to do so, or to become aware that this is necessary and useful.

There can be a tendency to dwell on problem areas or to worry today, dear Virgo, and this is particularly the case regarding money and relationships. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot by attempting to manipulate people or circumstances, as true power comes from handling your own feelings and energy effectively. Tricky territory today is found in points of extremes or exaggeration. Try to apply the rule of moderation in your life, not only in activities but in your thinking as well. Try not to agonize over making a decision that needs more time to unfold, and don’t attempt to force an issue just because you can’t get it out of your mind. Personal magnetism is strong today, and your ability to focus is excellent if you are able to put the worrying away. Be sure to reach out to others, as relationships can reach a nice new level now with attention and focus.

If you can’t quite settle on a decision that feels right in your gut today, dear Libra, then set it aside without guilt, if this is possible. If you can return to the issue at a later date, this may be best, simply because we have a tendency to feel overwhelmed by, or to exaggerate, problems and fears right now. You may need to tread lightly in conversations with others today, but there is also good energy for getting to a better understanding of people and situations that you may not want to pass up. If you need to prune, weed, or otherwise eliminate excess in an area of life, now would be a good time to do so, simply because you are more aware of what is, and isn’t, essential and worthwhile to you at this point in your life. Try not to rush decisions or to speak of a matter prematurely. Family matters can thrive today with more focus and attention.

Today’s energies are complicated, dear Scorpio, with your ruler, Pluto, forming strong aspects, both challenging and flowing in nature. On the one hand, you could be thinking a little too much to the point that you no longer see a situation objectively. Avoid letting fears enter the equation. There are stronger ego needs now, which of course can lead to some trouble if timing is off. Show others your better traits, and the feedback you receive will be satisfying. In fact, there is good energy for connecting, negotiating, and getting closer to someone you care about. Your own personal magnetism is strong. Focus on attracting the things you need and want to you rather than pushing to get what you want.

There can be some intensity in conversations and interactions today, dear Sagittarius, and while you enjoy passionate exchanges, these may border on intrusive at times now. Sidestep situations that look like they’re leading to power games. You’re not in any mood to be told what to think. You may feel that you have a little less energy, and it can be completely unrelated to physical issues – it is more likely to do with a temporary feeling of being blocked creatively or stuck in a rut. A dry spell is temporary and you should avoid allowing it to interfere with your productivity. Take the time to rethink plans if need be, but don’t make big changes just yet. Focusing on one thing at a time, and prioritizing, will serve you the best right now, as difficult as it may seem today.

There can be intensity to conversations today, dear Capricorn, which can range from passionate to annoying or invasive. Avoid putting pressure on yourself and others to come to a definite conclusion or position. Channel excess energy positively by working passionately on a pet project or throwing yourself into absorbing entertainment or research. With the personal impact you’re making, choose your words carefully. Watch for opportunities emerging to express yourself in new and unique ways, particularly related to publishing or connecting. News or information emerging now can turn your attention to a new interest or direction. Avoid impulsive moves. Your personal appeal is very strong now – use this extra influence positively!

It’s wise to think strategically today, dear Aquarius, but avoid overthinking. Be as moderate in your thinking as possible, as we tend to get into trouble today if we take things too far. There can certainly be things to learn from your interactions now, but a lot of frustration can be avoided if we aim to avoid thinking in extremes, as that is when fear misguides us. Find ways to simplify your life, particularly on a mental plane, by cutting out those things that are leaving you feeling overwhelmed. There may be tricky power dynamics with others now, but if handled well, there is simply a more deeply creative energy to your interactions. Channel your energy into something productive and empowering rather than for obsessing over something that can’t be changed.

With the Moon in your privacy and soul sector again today, dear Pisces, taking extra time for reflection or rest is important. There can be some tension surrounding a predicament or problem today, or you could have a hard time putting something out of your mind and productivity suffers a little as a result. While it can be difficult to move past an issue that is bothering you, it would be wise to find ways to channel excess mental energy into something more useful. Difficulties are temporary, and keeping your sights set on higher goals can help you out right now. Include the people you trust in your plans now, and focus on brainstorming and teamwork for best results. ENDS


♦️♦️♦️ ⚜🕉⚜ ♦️♦️♦️
🙏ॐ श्रीगणेशाय नम:🙏
🙏शुभप्रभातम् जी🙏

इतिहास की मुख्य घटनाओं सहित पञ्चांग-मुख्यांश ..

 *📝आज दिनांक 👉*

📜 22 अक्टूबर 2020
🏚नई दिल्ली अनुसार🏚

🇮🇳शक सम्वत- 1942
🇮🇳विक्रम सम्वत- 2077
🇮🇳मास- द्वितीय आश्विन(शुद्ध)
🌓पक्ष- शुक्लपक्ष
🗒तिथि- षष्ठी-07:41 तक
🗒पश्चात्- सप्तमी
🌠नक्षत्र- पूर्वाषाढ़ा-24:58 तक
🌠पश्चात्- उत्तराषाढ़ा
💫करण- तैतिल-07:41 तक
💫पश्चात्- गर
✨योग- सुकर्मा-26:34 तक
✨पश्चात्- धृति
🌅सूर्योदय- 06:26
🌄सूर्यास्त- 17:44
🌙चन्द्रोदय- 12:15
🌛चन्द्रराशि- धनु-दिनरात
🌞सूर्यायण- दक्षिणायन
🌞गोल- दक्षिणगोल
💡अभिजित- 11:42 से 12:27
🤖राहुकाल- 13:30 से 14:54
🎑ऋतु- हेमन्त
⏳दिशाशूल- दक्षिण


🔅आज बृहस्पतिवार को 👉 द्वितीय आश्विन (शुद्ध ) सुदी षष्ठी 07:41 तक पश्चात् सप्तमी शुरु , षष्ठम नवरात्र व्रत , माँ कात्यायनी पूजा , पूर्वाषाढ़ा नक्षत्र में सरस्वती देवी का पूजन , तप षष्ठी ( उड़ीसा ) ,सूर्य सायन वृश्चिक राशि में 28:37 पर , नवपत्रिका पूजा , हेमन्त ऋतु प्रारम्भ , स्वामी रामतीर्थ जी जयन्ती , अमर शहीद अशफ़ाक़ुल्लाह ख़ाँ जयन्ती , ठाकुर प्यारेलाल सिंह पुण्यतिथि (कन्फर्म नहीं ) , महाराणा राजसिंह पुण्यतिथि व international wombat day.
🔅कल शुक्रवार को 👉 द्वितीय आश्विन (शुद्ध ) सुदी सप्तमी 06:58 तक पश्चात् अष्टमी शुरु , सप्तम नवरात्र व्रत , माँ कालरात्रि पूजा , भद्रकाली अवतार , श्री दुर्गाष्टमी – महाष्टमी ( पश्चिम भारत ) शेष भारत में शनिवार को , दुर्गा पूजा (बंगाल) , श्री महालक्ष्मी पूजा , उत्तराषाढ़ा नक्षत्र में सरस्वती देवी के निमित्त बलिदान , सूर्य स्वाति नक्षत्र में 24:00 पर , सूर्य कन्या राशि में 10:45 पर , सर्वार्थसिद्धियोग / कार्यसिद्धियोग 25:28 से , विघ्नकारक भद्रा 06:57 से 18:59 तक , अन्नपूर्णा परिक्रमा 06:58 से प्रारम्भ , शक कार्तिक मास आरम्भ , वर्षा योग , ओली प्रारम्भ ( जैन , चतुर्थी पक्ष ) , श्री शीतलनाथ भगवान मोक्ष ( जैन , आश्विन शुक्ल अष्टमी ) , रानी चेन्नम्मा जयन्ती , श्री भैरोंसिंह शेखावत जयन्ती , सूबेदार जोगिन्दर सिंह शहीदी दिवस , अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिम तेंदुआ दिवस व राष्ट्रीय तिल /Mole दिवस ( रसायन विज्ञान )।

🎯आज की भक्ति👉

🙏 कात्यायन्यै नमो देव्यै 🙏

शार्दूलवरवाहना ।
कात्यायनी शुभं दद्या-
द्देवी दानवघातिनी॥
चमचमाते चंद्रहास खड्ग को हाथ में धारण किए हुए श्रेष्ठ सिंह पर आरूढ़ होकर दानवों का वध करने वाली देवी कात्यायनी हमें समस्त शुभ वर दें।

22 अक्टूबर की महत्त्वपूर्ण घटनाएँ👉

794 – जापानी सम्राट कनमू ने राजधानी को हेईयांको (वर्तमान टोक्यो) में स्थानांतरित की।
1494 – इतालवी नाविक क्रिस्टोफ़र कोलंबस ने अपनी दूसरी खोजी समुद्री यात्रा आंरभ की। जिसमें कोलंबस ने एंटील द्वीप समूह की खोज की।
1721 – ज़ार पीटर द ग्रेट “ऑल-रशियन सम्राट बनाया गया।
1728 – 1728 की कोपेनहेगन शहर में भयानक आग (शहर के इतिहास में सबसे बड़ा) लग गयी।
1746 – न्यू जर्सी का कॉलेज स्थापित किया गया (यह 1896 में प्रिंसटन विश्वविद्यालय बन गया)
1796 – पेशवा माधव राव द्वितीय ने आत्महत्या की।
1867 – नेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी आॅफ कोलंबिया की आधारशिला रखी गई।
1875 – अर्जेंटिना में पहले टेलीग्राफिक कनेक्शन की शुरुवात।
1879 – ब्रिटिश शासन के खिलाफ पहला राजद्रोह का मुकदमा बसुदेव बलवानी फड़के के खिलाफ।
1879 – अमेरिकी खोजकर्ता थॉमस एडीसन ने एक उच्च प्रतिरोधक कार्बन फिलामेंट का पहला सफल प्रयोग किया।
1879 – विश्व का पहला कार डीलर शोरूम लंदन में खुला।
1883 – न्यूयार्क में ओपेरा हाउस का उद्घाटन हुआ।
1918 – प्रथम विश्व युद्ध का अंतिम चरण जर्मन सेना पर संयुक्त सेना के आक्रमण के साथ आरंभ हो गया।
1953 – लाओस को फ्रांस से पूरी तरह से आजादी मिली।
1954 – संघीय गणराज्य जर्मनी को उत्तर अटलांटिक संधि संगठन (नाटो) में शामिल होने के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया।
1962 – प्रधानमंत्री जवाहरलाल नेहरू ने [भारत की सबसे बड़ी ]बहुउद्देशीय नदी घाटी परियोजना ‘भाखड़ा नांगल’ राष्ट्र को समर्पित की गई।
1964 – फ्रांसीसी दार्शनिक और लेखक ज्यां पाल सार्त्र ने नोबेल पुरस्कार ठुकराया।
1975 – ‘वीनस-9’ अंतरिक्षयान का शुक्र ग्रह पर अवतरण हुआ।
1975 – तुर्की के राजनयिक की वियना में गोली मारकर हत्या हुई।
1979 – ईरान के अपदस्थ शाह मोहम्मद रिजा पहलवी को इलाज के लिए अमेरिका जाने की अनुमति दी गई।
1981 – अमेरिका का राष्ट्रीय कर्ज एक खरब डॉलर को पार किया।
1986 – अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति रीगन ने 1986 के कर सुधार अधिनियम पर हस्ताक्षर किए।
1998 – संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने 1987 के बाद से युद्ध में 20 लाख निर्दोष बच्चों के मारे जाने की घोषणा की।
2004 – अंकटाड रिपोर्ट के अनुसार विदेशों में निवेश में भारत 14वें स्थान पर।
2004 – सीका सम्मेलन में सदस्य देशों ने आतंकवाद से मिलकर निपटने का संकल्प व्यक्त किया।
2006 – अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में अधिक नशीली दवाएँ जब्त की गईं।
2007 – चीनी राष्ट्रपति हू जिंताओ ने लगातार दूसरी बार सत्तारूढ़ चीनी कम्यूनिस्ट पार्टी की कमान सम्भाली।
2008 – इसरो ने (श्रीहरिकोटा के सतीश धवन अंतरिक्ष केन्द्र से ) भारत के पहले चंद्रयान मिशन चंद्रयान-1 का प्रक्षेपण किया। इस मिशन से चंद्रमा पर पानी के होने का पता लगा।
2014 – माइकल जेहाफ बिडायु ने ओटावा में कनाडा के संसद पर हमला किया, जिसमें एक सैनिक की मौत हो गयी अौर तीन अन्य घायल हो गये।
2016- भारत ने कबड्डी विश्व कप जीता।
2019 – जापान के नए सम्राट नारूहितो ने तोक्यो में भव्य समारोह में सिंहासन औपचारिक तौर पर संभाला।
2019 – अमेरिका-भारत सामरिक साझेदारी फोरम ने नई दिल्ली में प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी से मुलाकात की।

22 अक्टूबर को जन्मे व्यक्ति👉

1873 – स्वामी रामतीर्थ – हिन्दू धार्मिक नेता थे, जो अत्यधिक व्यक्तिगत और काव्यात्मक ढंग के व्यावहारिक वेदांत को पढ़ाने के लिए विख्यात थे।
1900 – अशफ़ाक़ उल्ला ख़ाँ – भारत के प्रसिद्ध स्वतंत्रता सेनानी अमर शहीद।
1903 – त्रिभुवनदास कृषिभाई पटेल – सामुदायिक नेतृत्व ।
1937 – कादर खान, प्रसिद्ध हिन्दी और उर्दू फ़िल्म अभिनेता।
1988 – परिणीती चोपडा एक भारतीय अभिनेत्री ।

22 अक्टूबर को हुए निधन👉

1680 – मेवाड़ के महाराणा राज सिंह का निधन हुआ।
1893 – दलीप सिंह – पंजाब के महाराज रणजीत सिंह का सबसे छोटा पुत्र।
1933 – विट्ठलभाई पटेल – सरदार पटेल के बड़े भाई एवं प्रसिद्ध स्वतन्त्रता सेनानी।
1954 – ठाकुर प्यारेलाल सिंह – छत्तीसगढ़ में ‘श्रमिक आन्दोलन’ के सूत्रधार तथा ‘सहकारिता आन्दोलन’ के प्रणेता (कन्फर्म नहीं )।
1954 – जीवनानन्द दास – बांग्ला भाषा के प्रसिद्ध कवि और लेखक।
1986 – ये जियानयिंग – चीन में सेना प्रमुख के अध्यक्ष थे।
1998 – अजीत हिन्दी फ़िल्मों के एक अभिनेता थे। वह अपने खलनायक किरदारों के लिये विशेष रूप से जाने जाते थे।
2015 – लाभ जंजुआ एक भारतीय भांगड़ा गायक और गीतकार थे।

22 अक्टूबर के महत्त्वपूर्ण अवसर एवं उत्सव👉

🔅 स्वामी रामतीर्थ जी जयन्ती ।
🔅 अमर शहीद अशफ़ाक़ुल्लाह ख़ाँ जयन्ती।
🔅 ठाकुर प्यारेलाल सिंह पुण्यतिथि (कन्फर्म नहीं )।
🔅 महाराणा राजसिंह पुण्यतिथि ।
🔅International Wombat Day.

कृपया ध्यान दें जी👉
यद्यपि इसे तैयार करने में पूरी सावधानी रखने की कोशिश रही है। फिर भी किसी घटना , तिथि या अन्य त्रुटि के लिए मेरी कोई जिम्मेदारी नहीं है ।

🌻आपका दिन मंगलमय हो जी ।🌻

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About the Author

Sachin Murdeshwar
Sachin Murdeshwar is a Sr.Journalist and Columnist in several Mainline Newspapers and Portals.He is an ardent traveller and likes to explore destinations to the core.


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