There can be a serious tone to the day, dear Aries, in a good way, as you’re more able to direct your energy into truly worthwhile pursuits. Perhaps you get something done well before a deadline, or work ahead on a project that has long-term potential. Bringing a little more order to your projects or environment can really pay off now, and thinking about your overarching goals can help you to recognize priorities. You can get a lot done today, particularly if you are involved in research and analysis or number work. It’s a good time to revive old projects or to fine-tune current ones. You are approaching the world with a healthy level of entitlement, and there can be information coming in or observations made that benefit you.

There can be some important conversations today, dear Taurus, and a practical outlook. It’s a good time to apply yourself to an important project, to lay down ground rules with the family, or to handle important errands. As well, good energy is with you for travel, love, fortune, and creative projects. Romance could reach a new level, or feelings deepen for someone. Broadening your viewpoint or beliefs can be part of the picture now, particularly through others’ eyes. There could be help coming from relatives and possibly in-laws or extended family, or improved relationships. Your stronger focus and confidence can be used to better yourself and your relationships, as well as special projects. Some of you could be publishing creative works and ideas quite successfully now.

This is a strong day for applying yourself to work or to a health routine, dear Gemini, and to get various important chores and errands done. There is a chance to resolve a problem related to power dynamics or jealousies and possessiveness in a relationship, as you’re especially focused on making improvements and aware of how these problems can undermine your relationships. You have inner, emotional courage at your disposal. Relating is complicated now, but rich and open to change and improvement. With a lot of power in your sectors of emotions and inner world these days, and much of it transformational, you are in a strong position to improve relationships with others and with yourself. You are learning a little more self-reliance, which in fact contributes to healthier relationships with others. There can be a mystery to solve or a problem resolved now.

Creative efforts today can be productive, dear Cancer. You’re inclined to take things quite seriously, in a good way! In fact, this is a good time to sort out priorities. The ability to influence a friend or partner is stronger than usual right now, and a relationship might raise to a new level with bonding done now. You have greater insights into problems, and particularly relationship matters. There can be the need, and power, to help and support someone, or to benefit from someone’s wisdom yourself. There is a lot of power in your communications and relationship sectors this week, and this can be felt as building motivation to connect with others and to connect with your own interests and paths of learning and sharing. More understanding, attention, and insight can help give a nice boost to relationships. You are learning more about the world around you, and someone may be integral in encouraging you to step just a little outside of your comfort zone in order to learn even more.

Today is strong for discipline around the home and self-discipline as well, dear Leo. Your talents might be recognized, or you could be working on something that feels especially “right” to you. You may very well discover ways to improve finances now and this week. With Mars in your resources and natural talents sector these days, you may be especially gung-ho about new projects and ideas to make money or to make good use of your talents and resources. However, Mars can sometimes push too hard or fast, but today, you have Pluto helping you temper this energy and reminding you to have a plan. This doesn’t have to be a strict plan, but one that encourages some routine. This is a fine time for handling details, research, improving methods, and throwing yourself into work or tasks that excite you. It’s very easy for you to get caught up in a project now. “Fun” to you now may very well be tackling a project that is both creative and practical.

You can accomplish much today, dear Virgo, particularly when it comes to studies, errands, creative pursuits, and communications. Once you’re motivated, you can really throw yourself into something productive now. This is a time for thinking in bigger terms than you usually do. It’s important that you avoid hiding your creative side. In fact, these days you’re learning important lessons about being yourself, and confidently so. You might even feel a little tired of hiding your light. With Mars in your sign and in harmony with Pluto, your ability to take the lead, influence, and persuade is augmented. Your power to persuade, to lead, and to influence are strong right now. With others, and especially a child or a romantic partner or love interest (fifth house-ruled), you have special abilities to make a deeper connection, to break ground in a relationship, or to uncover important new information. Think in terms of self-improvement as well, as you can move mountains at the moment, especially when it comes to how you present yourself to others. Feedback may not be all wonderful, but you’re in the position to pull yourself up and learn.

The need to get serious about an important personal belonging, finances, or possibly even a personal value figures strongly, dear Libra. Your more intimate relationships can be strengthened now through shows of support. You’re seeing areas where improvement is vital, but instead of seeing this as discouraging, you are especially willing to take on the challenge. Look for ways to strengthen family life or relationships with people who are family or like family to you. You could be seeing ways to improve your connection to your roots and to better express who you truly are through the actions you take, and especially about what you are putting behind you. Realigning your goals may be in order so that they reflect inner changes. There can be a need to help someone out or come to a person’s aid today, and this can be both challenging and satisfying. You are especially willing to find ways to cut out the fluff now, and have an almost uncanny ability to see through to the truth of a matter. Use your insight to help others or yourself.

Your powers of observation are tremendous in general, dear Scorpio, but today, they’re put to especially good use. New insight might come in a friendship or with a project or plan. It’s not an ideal day for new launches, but it’s strong for working on in-progress projects and for developing existing friendships and connections. It’s also very strong for seeing what has to go in order for you to feel more powerful and effective. Perhaps you are now seeing where you’ve been wasting too much time, for example. This becomes clear and you can make plans to change your focus. Relationship matters can thrive and others tend to support your ideas, and possibly even be in awe of your insights. Information you need seems to emerge now, or you can put your observations to good use. You could become aware of an admirer now.

Your enthusiasm these days is strong, dear Sagittarius, but at times, you may not know where to direct excess energy or where to begin. Today, channels for expression and for your passions are likely to become clearer. You might recognize that you’re best off with a plan, schedule, or strategy. You are not always thrilled to go along with a script or routine, but this doesn’t have to be a strict plan – just a few notes and goals that will help you to make better use of your time. You may want to do something especially meaningful with a business, your talents, or your resources. Focus should be on existing projects that need new life or refinement or plans for future ones, not for actual launches, as the Moon is void all day and this can mean all-new projects may never take off if they are begun today. You are drawn to, and have good instincts for, those things that are valuable and long-term. Pull out an old project or cherished possession and work on improving it if you don’t already have something that fuels your passions.

Strong energy is with you for promotional activities, dear Capricorn, and possibly attracting people into your life who expand your worldview, personal horizons, or help you to learn and grow. Even so, you can also experience a stronger drive towards being more self-reliant. There can be a focus on friends, group associations, or long-term goals with an eye for what needs to improve or change. You are really commanding attention now, and you tend to have more personal influence than usual, so of course, this needs to be handled carefully. There is good energy for competitions – sports, beating high scores, business endeavors, and the like. Changes on the inside may be reflected in your actions now. Your powers of attraction are intense today! Cultivate, improve, enhance, and support the relationships you have.

There is both reverence for the past and the desire to improve today, dear Aquarius, and this suits your personality very well. You’re seeing situations, things, projects, and relationships for what is truly working and what elements need to improve or go. In this way, there can be opportunities to make peace with your past in some way now, and also for strengthening your commitment to a path or a person! Intensity of feeling is likely but can lead to greater satisfaction. This is a fine time for some of you to discover information that is valuable, or to find a lost object. With so much energy currently activating the areas of your chart that rule your feelings and inner world, and wonderful support, you have the chance to really get in touch with what’s most important to you, inner desires and needs, and with your intuition. New insight into dilemmas of an emotional nature could come now. Observe, research, and reflect now.

You are communicating with more confidence and focus right now, dear Pisces, and others are drawn to you for your advice or insight. You might be forming or enhancing important relationships these days, and your passion and loyalty are attracting others. It’s a good time to get to the core of a matter or problem, and for new information to surface about old matters. Circumstances are such that you’re in the position to make plans and devise strategies, particularly in terms of your life direction, purpose, and happiness goals, which are changing as inner changes occur. You are bringing special things to any group or team setting now, and people are drawn to you and follow your lead. You also have the power to learn from any conflicts arising in friendships or partnership. You may be finding more meaning in your relationships now, and this is satisfying. Ends


🔹🔸🔹 ⚜🕉⚜ 🔹🔸🔹
🙏ॐ श्रीगणेशाय नम:🙏
🙏शुभप्रभातम् जी🙏

इतिहास की मुख्य घटनाओं सहित पञ्चांग-मुख्यांश ..

 *📝आज दिनांक 👉*

📜 15 अक्टूबर 2020
🏚नई दिल्ली अनुसार🏚

🇮🇳शक सम्वत- 1942
🇮🇳विक्रम सम्वत- 2077
🇮🇳मास- द्वितीय आश्विन(अधिक)
🌓पक्ष- कृष्णपक्ष
🗒तिथि- त्रयोदशी-08:35 तक
🗒पश्चात्- चतुर्दशी-28:54 तक
🌠नक्षत्र- उत्तराफाल्गुनी-17:58 तक
🌠पश्चात्- हस्त
💫करण- वणिज-08:35 तक
💫पश्चात्- विष्टि
✨योग- ब्रह्म-10:18 तक
✨पश्चात्- एन्द्र
🌅सूर्योदय- 06:22
🌄सूर्यास्त- 17:51
🌙चन्द्रोदय- 29:30
🌛चन्द्रराशि- कन्या-दिनरात
🌞सूर्यायण- दक्षिणायन
🌞गोल- दक्षिणगोल
💡अभिजित- 11:43 से 12:29
🤖राहुकाल- 13:32 से 14:58
🎑ऋतु- शरद
⏳दिशाशूल- दक्षिण


🔅आज बृहस्पतिवार को 👉 द्वितीय आश्विन (अधिक ) बदी त्रयोदशी 08:35 तक पश्चात् चतुर्दशी 28:54 तक , मासिक शिवरात्रि व्रत , चतुर्दशी तिथि का क्षय , विघ्नकारक भद्रा 08:34 से 18:44 तक , श्री हीरा लाल देवपुरा जयन्ती , श्री मदन लाल खुराना जयन्ती , श्री रमन सिंह जन्म दिवस , विश्व छात्र दिवस (डॉ. ए.पी.जे. अब्दुल कलाम जयन्ती ) , गर्भावस्था और शिशु हानि स्मरण दिवस , विश्व ग्रामीण महिला दिवस , White Cane Safety Day ( विश्व सफेद छडी सुरक्षा दिवस ) व विश्व हस्त प्रक्षालन दिवस ( Global Handwashing Day )।
🔅कल शुक्रवार को 👉 द्वितीय आश्विन (अधिक ) बदी अमावस्या 25:03 तक पश्चात् प्रतिपदा शुरु , स्नान – दान – श्राद्धादि की अधिक आश्विन देवपितृकार्य अमावस्या , आश्विन अधिक / पुरूषोत्तम ( मल ) मास समाप्त , वैधृति पुण्यं , शहादते इमाम हसन ( मुस्लिम ) ,श्री नवीन पटनायक जन्म दिवस , वैज्ञानिक श्री हरीश चंद्र महरोत्रा स्मृति दिवस , विश्व खाद्य दिवस , विश्व एनेस्थीसिया दिवस व विश्व एलर्जी जागरूकता दिवस ( कन्फर्म नहीं )।

🎯आज की वाणी👉

स्वस्मिन् सुखे नास्य महान् प्रहर्षः,
न चान्यदुःखे भवति प्रहृष्ट:।
न दत्त्वाऽस्य दुःखं हृदि वै कदाचित्,
स कथ्यते सत्पुरुषार्यशीलः।।
जो अपने सुख में प्रसन्न नहीं होता, दूसरे के दुःख के समय हर्ष नहीं मनाता और दान देकर पश्चाताप नहीं करता , वह सज्जनों में सदाचारी कहलाता है।

15 अक्टूबर की महत्त्वपूर्ण घटनाएँ👉

1686 – मुग़ल शासक औरंगजेब ने बीजापुर के साथ शांति समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किये।
1806 – प्रास और फ्रांस की सेनाओं के मध्य लड़ाई आरंभ हुई। इससे एक दिन पहले नेपोलियन ने छह दिवसीय युद्ध में प्रॉस की सेना को पराजित किया था।
1815 – नेपोलियन बोनापार्ट हार के बाद निर्वासित जीवन व्यतीत करने सेंट हेलेना द्वीप पहुंचे।
1866 – कनाडा स्थित फ्रेंच बहुल क्षेत्र क्यूबेक में जबरदस्त आग लगने से 2500 मकान जलकर खाक हुए।
1894 – अलफ्रेड ड्राइफ़स पर पेरिस में मुक़द्दमा आरंभ हुआ। वह यहूदी मूल का फ्रांसीसी अफ़सर था जिस पर चलाया जाने वाला मुक़द्दमा 19वीं शताब्दी में फ्रांस की बहुचर्चित घटना बन गयी।
1917 – प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के दौरान नीदरलैंड की प्रसिद्ध नृत्यांगना माता हारी को जर्मनी के लिए जासूसी करने के आरोप में फ्रांसीसी सैनिकों ने गोली मारी।
1923 – वर्ष का पांचवा उष्णकटिबंधीय तूफ़ान लीवर्ड द्वीप के उत्तर में आया।
1924 – अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति काल्विन कूलीड्ज ने स्टेच्यु ऑफ लिबर्टी को राष्ट्रीय स्मारक घोषित किया।
1932 – टाटा कंपनी ने टाटा सन्स लिमिटेड नामक देश की पहली एयरलाइन की शुरुआत की।भारत सरकार द्वारा अधिग्रहण के बाद यही कंपनी एयर इंडिया कहलाई।
1935 – टाटा एयरलाइन (जो कालांतर में एयर इंडिया बन गया) की पहली उड़ान।
1949 – त्रिपुरा राज्य को भारत में सम्मिलित किया गया।
1951 – मिस्त्र की संसद ने स्वेज नहर समझौते को रद्द करने के फैसले पर मुहर लगाई।
1958 – अफ्रीकी देश ट्यूनीशिया ने मिस्र के साथ राजनयिक संबंध समाप्त किए।
1964 – सोवियत संघ के नेता निकिता खुर्श्चेव की सेवानिवृति ने पूरे विश्व को चौंका दिया।
1970 – अनवर सदत मिस्त्र के राष्ट्रपति चुने गए।
1978 – सोवियत संघ ने पूर्वी कजाखस्तान क्षेत्र में परमाणु परीक्षण किया।
1988 – उज्वला पाटिल समुद्र के रास्ते विश्व का चक्कर लगाने वाली पहली एशियाई महिला बनी।
1990 – सोवियत संघ के राष्ट्रपति मिखाइल गोर्बाचेव को नोबेल शांति पुरस्कार दिया गया।
1990 – सोवियत संघ के राष्ट्रपति प्रतिबंध संधि की पुष्टि करने वाला प्रथम देश बना।
1996 – फिजी व्यापक परीक्षण प्रतिबंध संधि की पुष्टि करने वाला प्रथम देश बना।
1997 – अरुंधति राय को उनके उपन्यास ‘द गॉड आफ़ स्माल थिंग्स’ के लिए ब्रिटेन के सबसे प्रतिष्ठित बुकर पुरस्कार के लिए चुना गया।
1998 – ग़रीबी उन्मूलन के लिए भारत की फ़ातिमा बी को संयुक्त राष्ट्र पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया।
1999 – चीन ने 12 हज़ार किलोमीटर तक मार करने वाले ‘डी.एफ़.-41 आईसीबीएम’ नामक प्रक्षेपास्त्र का सफल परीक्षण किया ।
1999 – जनरल जोसेफ़ रॉलस्टन नाटो के सर्वोच्च वाइस कमांडर नियुक्त।
2006 – संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ ने उत्तर कोरिया पर प्रतिबंध लगाया।
2007 – वर्ष 2007 का अर्थशास्त्र का नोबेल पुरस्कार अमेरिका के तीन अर्थशास्त्रियों- लियोनिड हरविक्ज, इरिक मस्किन और रोजर मायरसन को प्रदान किया गया।
2008 – रिजर्व बैंक ने सीआरआर में एक फ़ीसदी की कटौती की घोषणा की।
2008 – अरविन्द अदिग को उनकी पुस्तक ‘द हाइट टाइगर’ के लिए वर्ष 2008 का बुकर पुरस्कार प्रदान किया गया।
2012 – ब्रिटिश लेखिका हिलेरी मेंटल को उनके उपन्यास “ब्रिंग अप द बडीज़” के लिए मैन बुकर पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया।
2013 – फिलीपीन्स में 7.2 की तीव्रता वाले भूकंप से 215 से अधिक लोगों की मौत।
2019 – काईस सैयद को ट्यूनीशिया का नया राष्ट्रपति चुना गया ।
2013 – एअर इंडिया टैक्सीबोट से विमान को रनवे तक ले जाने वाली दुनिया की पहली एयल लाइन बनी।
2019 – फेसबुक ने ग्रामीण महिलाओं को तकनीकी तौर पर प्रशिक्षित करने के लिए भारत सरकार की मदद से डिजिटल बेटी अभियान शुरू किया।

15 अक्टूबर को जन्मे व्यक्ति👉

1542 – मुग़ल सम्राट अकबर का जन्म हुआ। उनका पूरा नाम अबुल फ़त्ह जलालुद्दीन मोहम्मद अकबर था।
1920 – प्रसिद्ध उपन्यास द गॉडफादर के रचयिता मारियो ग्येनल्यूगी पूजो का जन्म हुआ।
1922 – शंकर- प्रसिद्ध संगीतकार (शंकर जयकिशन)।
1925 – हीरा लाल देवपुरा – राजस्थान के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री ।
1931 – मिशाइल मेन , भारत के 11वें राष्ट्रपति ए.पी.जे. अब्दुल कलाम का जन्म तमिलनाडु के रामेश्वरम में हुआ।
1936 – मदन लाल खुराना – दिल्ली के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री ।
1952 – रमन सिंह- प्रसिद्ध राजनीतिज्ञ एवं छत्तीसगढ़ के दूसरे मुख्यमंत्री।
1957 – मीरा नायर, भारतीय निर्देशक।

15 अक्टूबर को हुए निधन👉

1595 – फ़ैज़ी – मध्यकालीन भारत का एक विद्वान् साहित्यकार और फ़ारसी का प्रसिद्ध कवि था।
1961 – सूर्यकान्त त्रिपाठी निराला, एक कवि, उपन्यासकार, निबन्धकार और कहानीकार।
1975 – देवी प्रसाद राय चौधरी- पद्म भूषण से सम्मानित प्रसिद्ध चित्रकार एवं मूर्तिकार।
1990 – ओम शिवपुरी हिन्दी फ़िल्मों के एक अभिनेता थे।
1999 – दुर्गा भाभी – भारत के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में क्रान्तिकारियों की प्रमुख सहयोगी थीं।
2012 – नोरोदम शिनौक – कंबोडिया के राजा थे।

15 अक्टूबर के महत्त्वपूर्ण अवसर एवं उत्सव👉

🔅 श्री हीरा लाल देवपुरा जयन्ती ।
🔅 श्री मदन लाल खुराना जयन्ती ।
🔅 श्री रमन सिंह जन्म दिवस ।
🔅 विश्व छात्र दिवस (डॉ. ए.पी.जे. अब्दुल कलाम जयन्ती ) ।
🔅 गर्भावस्था और शिशु हानि स्मरण दिवस ।
🔅 विश्व ग्रामीण महिला दिवस ।
🔅 White Cane Safety Day ( विश्व सफेद छडी सुरक्षा दिवस ) ।
🔅 विश्व हस्त प्रक्षालन दिवस ( Global Handwashing Day )।

कृपया ध्यान दें जी👉
यद्यपि इसे तैयार करने में पूरी सावधानी रखने की कोशिश रही है। फिर भी किसी घटना , तिथि या अन्य त्रुटि के लिए मेरी कोई जिम्मेदारी नहीं है ।

🌻आपका दिन मंगलमय हो जी ।🌻

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About the Author

Sachin Murdeshwar
Sachin Murdeshwar is a Sr.Journalist and Columnist in several Mainline Newspapers and Portals.He is an ardent traveller and likes to explore destinations to the core.


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