What all one should take precautions for Accident Prone Zone During Monsoon by Dr. Tushau Prasad, Emergency Physician, Wockhardt Hospital, Mira Road

Dr. Tushau Prasad, Emergency Physician, Wockhardt Hospital, Mira Road

Dr. Tushau Prasad, Emergency Physician, Wockhardt Hospital, Mira Road

MUMBAI, 10 SEPTEMBER, 2020 (GPN):  Road accidents are a common occurrence in India. But during monsoon, people will have to be extra cautious as the chances of an accident become higher owing to poor visibility or slippery roads. Here are some measures you must take to ensure that you drive safe and stay safe…

It is a no brainer that monsoon brings relief from that scorching heat. But, along with that it also invites a plethora of diseases and even road accidents. Yes, you have heard it right! The number of people killed in road accidents in 2018 registering over 1.51 lakh fatalities, an increase of nearly 3,500 more people losing their lives as compared to 2017, with UP recording maximum road fatalities, followed by Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, according to the road accident report of 2018. These figures are harrowing! 

Thus, one will have to be extra cautious otherwise, and mainly during monsoon. The wet roads pose a fatal threat to both pedestrians and commuters in vehicles alike. Many people tend to plan long drives during monsoon though it can be bliss. Within no time it can turn into a nightmare too as the weather conditions cause poor visibility, the inefficiency of vehicle brakes and bad roads which often lead to road accidents. Here are a few tips for people to avoid accidents during monsoon. 

Drive safe by following these vital tricks during the rainy season 

Don’t forget when it comes to servicing your car: Is your car up-to-date? Monitor the condition of your vehicle before hitting the roads. The car service manual includes a quality check on brakes, tires, wipers, headlight beams, horn, etc. It is necessary to get your vehicle checked before getting out in the monsoon. Check the tyres of the vehicle and if they are worn out with a smooth surface then replace your tyres on an immediate basis as if these things are not in place then an accident may occur. 

Do not drive during heavy rains: Planning to go for a long drive when it is pouring? Then, you are doing it all wrong! During heavy showers, the visibility on the roads is very much reduced. In case one is driving or riding, it is best to park the vehicle and wait for the rains to subside. Heavy rains cause waterlogging which in turn percolates into the car and may stop the engine at any point during the journey. In addition to the above, brakes also tend to fail due to waterlogging. Thus, be careful while driving. See to it that you are safe. Do not hurry at all. Start early instead of rushing and ending up with an accident. Drive safely rather than a speedy ride. Do not speed-up and maintain a safe distance between the vehicles. Poor time management is key to accidents. is dangerous for two-wheelers to ride really close to a larger vehicle, especially when it is raining. Be aware of potholes. 

Don’t forget to be a Samaritan: If you witness any road accident then don’t hesitate to help the victim. Try to reach out to his/her family, taking the victim to the nearest hospital, and ensure that he/she gets prompt treatment. After all, saving a life is a noble act. 

Keep emergency contacts handy: Save numbers on speed dial like the immediate family, doctor, police, and mechanic, so that they can be contacted easily in case of any emergency. Also, most smartphones have the option to feed in one number as an ’emergency’ dial number which is always visible on the screen. In case of any emergency where the victim is unconscious, having this number on the screen will help reach out to the family members of the victim. Also, don’t forget to keep a first-aid kit in your vehicle. It can be helpful in minor injuries. 

Driving at Speed on Rainy and Pothole ridden Roads? 

If you don’t curtail your speed, the Accident & Emergency Trauma Services are Awaiting for you! 

One must bear in mind that we should assess our vehicles, to guarantee their perfect performance through the storms. 

Please bear in mind that each of us has a family at home eagerly waiting for our safe return. It is better to be vigilant when navigating through the roads during rains rather than be hasty and in a hurry to reach our respective destinations. 

Most of the accidents during monsoon happens in the early time of the season. Potholes become difficult to spot once the monsoon begins. Any repairs to the house should be given priority so that you can avoid accidents in the house. 

Top Reasons Behind Road Accidents in the Rainy Season: 

  1. Drivers not being able to adjust to the changed street conditions 
  2. Inability to see potholes because of water-logging 
  3. Poor visibility of street signs and other vehicles 
  4. Oil slick on the rainy street 
  5. Absence of windscreen and side mirrors for vehicles. 
  6. Here are the top tips for your safety this monsoon to Do 

Outdoor Safety checks: 

  1. Check before you leave. Have a look at the tire and inflate to the correct pressures. Check the tread depth and if not up to the required minimum, replace tires. Check that the windscreen washer fluid in the tank should be full. Keep the car clean, including the front and rear windscreens. Check the defogger works as well. 
  2. Slow down on the slippery roads. 
  3. Break the old brakes. Replace brake pads and callipers. 
  4. Be ready with flashlights, umbrellas, and spare tools at all times. 
  5. Keep on the roads. Avoid the submerged roads. Beware of live wires, sinkholes, potholes on the streets. 
  6. Maintain a lower gear to have more control in case of bad traction on slippery roads. 
  7. Keep distance from the car in front. 
  8. Lower the beam. Don’t dazzle the drivers of oncoming cars. 
  9. Be a middle man. Stay in the middle of roads as the sides tend to get waterlogged. 
  10. If it is a care, please check the wipers of the car. It is the most neglected part of the car, and people tend to think that it would work fine in any given season. However, the wipers need their fair share of attention in the monsoon. 
  11. Pedestrians Wear bright clothes and raincoats, use brighter colour umbrellas while out on roads 
  12. Pedestrians should alert while crossing the road about the vehicles passing by. ENDS

About the Author

Sachin Murdeshwar
Sachin Murdeshwar is a Sr.Journalist and Columnist in several Mainline Newspapers and Portals.He is an ardent traveller and likes to explore destinations to the core.

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