Professional trainers can resume work and earn a living while following COVID-19 restrictions by conducting virtual sessions for corporates on PROLEAR tutor

Ravi Krishnamurthy, Co-founder of GrowthCode Technology Solutions -Photo By GPN

IMG-20200716-WA0009INDIA, MUMBAI, 15 JULY, 2020 (GPN): Self-employed professionals like corporate trainers have been among the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. With phased lockdowns, restrictions on movement and the number of people who can assemble at a venue along with social distancing being part of the ‘new normal’ their ability to earn a living has been effectively suspended since the past four months.

Torn between the need to earn a living and the risk that stepping out of their homes entails, their attempts to hold sessions online have been hampered due to myriad challenges. From high bandwidth requirements to varying schedules of people due to shared computers at home, making the transition entails overcoming multiple hurdles, which is easier said than done in the current scenario.

Resuming business during a life changing pandemic requires game changing solutions and the good news is that professional trainers can start work again while adhering to the stipulated COVID-19 restrictions by conducting virtual sessions for corporates on PROLEAR tutor, an online virtual platform created by Growthcode.

With contactless learning fast becoming the norm, the needs of online learning are no more what they were earlier. There was a stage previously when online learning was considered a secondary medium. No longer relegated to second place, online learning is now deemed as the most preferred medium so the demand for a reliable platform that can ensure highly effective levels of learning has increased manifold. GrowthCode’s PROLEAR tutor fits the bill perfectly, enabling professional trainers and tutors to effectively impart knowledge and train their audience from the safety of their residences itself.

Ravi Krishnamurthy, Co-founder of GrowthCode Technology Solutions -Photo By GPN

Ravi Krishnamurthy, Co-founder of GrowthCode Technology Solutions -Photo By GPN

Ravi Krishnamurthy, Co-founder of GrowthCode Technology Solutions explains, “The previous challenges of attention span, data usage, content security, data mishaps, etc. used to hinder the acceptance of online learning. GrowthCode’s PROLEAR tutor platform beats all those challenges and how! The mentor and the mentee are no longer required to be available for a session on a given day at a specified time for a set duration. PROLEAR tutor eliminates the need for live sessions, which often drain data quickly leaving users high and dry in situations that can often be embarrassing.”

“We have been developing the platform for a need like this for 4 years or so. PROLEAR tutor is specifically built for those professional trainers who can take their class and audience online without breaking a sweat and do a great job of it. From imparting classes to managing attendance and attention of the audience we can help the learners ascertain their understanding through our innovative assessment capabilities. Neither the tutor nor the learner misses a session. We move away from classes to lessons. With the capabilities we have built, any complex lesson can be broken down into small, easy-to-understand learning capsules. And these learning modules can be created using your mobile phones from the convenience of your homes,” he points out.

In an era where attention takes precedence over attendance, learning discipline takes over punctuality and individual learning trumps grouped classroom sessions, instructor led virtual sessions are the future of corporate training and PROLEAR tutor is the pioneering initiative, which will drive this transformation.

Growthcode Technology Solutions Private Limited is headquartered in Bengaluru, The founders have over 20 years of experience in learning and development and human capital actualization, 5 years of which has been in extensive teaching in over 90 schools including and over 5 years of R&D they have conducted over 16000 assessment and evaluations.

About the Author

Sachin Murdeshwar
Sachin Murdeshwar is a Sr.Journalist and Columnist in several Mainline Newspapers and Portals.He is an ardent traveller and likes to explore destinations to the core.

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