Most Desirable Single moms in B town Malaika Arora, Sushmita Sen and Chahatt Khanna make up the most desirable single mom in bollywood

Malaika Arora, Sushmita Sen and Chahatt Khanna make up the most desirable single mom in B -Town

Malaika Arora, Sushmita Sen and Chahatt Khanna make up the most desirable single mom in B -Town

Malaika Arora and Sushmita Sen - File Photo GPN

Malaika Arora and Sushmita Sen – File Photo GPN

MUMBAI, 27 JUNE, 2020 (GPN): The mothers in bollywood have firmly put their hold ever since. What’s new is that single mothers are doing incredibly well and Malaika Arora, Sushmita Sen and Chahatt are totally leading the bandwagon. Single mothers have seen more difficult days than most and it’s inevitable that they have it the hard way coming. But one thing is for sure that these are women who know to survive and fittest they are. We have seen some amazing work from these in recent times. Be it chahat Khanna in Prasthanam or Sushmita Sen in the recently released Aarya, they are a cut above. Nothing seems to diminish their spirit as they might as well have seen the worst.

We spoke to one of them and here is what chahatt has to say, “That time of separation changes you inside out. A lot of Indian women don’t have it easy for them. Even in the wedlock or when they are trying to come off it. They are not just fighting against the man but the society at large.
IMG_20200627_175946And with the responsibility of raising kids, it only makes them stronger and gets the absolute best of them. That has been the case with me. I am not a victim. I am someone who stood against the odds and did my best and have come up triumphs. Be it the divorce, mental issues, raising kids, securing their future, focusing on one’s own career or taking care of parents, I braved it all and here I am standing in front of you today. So I urge every women who can hear me, stand up against the odds. You are stronger than you think. Play it in the front foot and focus on creating the future. There is no chance you will not win even though the odds are heavily against you. Your superpower is that you are a lady.”
IMG_20200627_181023Those are some strong words by an even stronger person. We wish this one hell of a woman all the luck and to all the ladies out there, you are not alone. We are with you. Take it to the opposition. ENDS

About the Author

Sachin Murdeshwar
Sachin Murdeshwar is a Sr.Journalist and Columnist in several Mainline Newspapers and Portals.He is an ardent traveller and likes to explore destinations to the core.

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