Healthy Eating during lockdown :Ms. Zamurrud Patel, Chief Dietician, Global Hospital, Mumbai

Ms. Zamurrud Patel, Chief Dietician, Global Hospital, Mumbai
IMG_20200420_230631MUMBAI, 20 APRIL, 2020 (GPN): Some
HEALTHY EATING  TIPS BY Ms. Zamurrud Patel, Chief Dietician, Global Hospital, Mumbai-

Food is the raw material which builds our body. Healthy eating habits are important for all our normal growth and development. To build one’s immunity to fight diseases one need to eat a Healthy Diet.

The food pyramid can be used to make our choices for healthy eating.

IMG_20200420_230645Tips to maintain good health in quarantine

  1. Monitor your food intake

As we are actually really FREE and have no deadlines or commitments and few of us might even be stressed about doing nothing and just being home, with all this we tend to emotionally eat and crave for foods which are low on nutrition like wafers, biscuits, ice-creams. We need to be watchful about what we eat as its going to be very easy to gain weight with a sedentary lifestyle

Chose healthy options like Chana chat, corn chat, roasted chivda , dates, fruits when you what to satisfy your cravings for spicy or sweet food

  1. Chose proteins over Carbohydrate rich food sources-

Options like pulses, sprouts and dals are good sources of Proteins with less percentage of Carbohydrates as against rice flakes, Potato, wheat, rice which have more of carbs and less of proteins,

Proteins keep you full for long time and help in preserving your muscle mass

  1. Make workout a part of your routine

Workout doesn’t necessarily mean an actual  exercise regime; it can even be just to stay active by doing house chores. with no maids around- washing, moping, dusting, cleaning can be best form of exercise and stretches to your body.

Other than this if you feel motivated to do some exercises, make it a family routine so that all can enjoy it together and thus make it a habit easily

  1. Do what you enjoy

A stress-free body is a disease-free environment for systems to function at its best.

The more you enjoy, the more you release hormones which calm your body and help you live longer. So, from watching your favorite movie to playing with your kids, from re-living your memory albums to talking to your best buddies; do what makes you happy and content. ENDS

About the Author

Sachin Murdeshwar
Sachin Murdeshwar is a Sr.Journalist and Columnist in several Mainline Newspapers and Portals.He is an ardent traveller and likes to explore destinations to the core.

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